Mitzie Fiedler, Venice City Council Seat #1
Mitzie Fiedler holds a Ph.D. in Educational Administration and two master’s degrees from UW-Madison, and a BA from Beloit College in Wisconsin. She spent over 30 years in education as a teacher and an elementary, middle and high school principal.
As President of the Board of Directors for the YWCA in Beloit, she helped build and maintain shelters for women and their children. As President of the Board of Directors for Wisconsin Council for Gifted and Talented, she helped create programs for children throughout the state of Wisconsin. She has served on many city advisory boards.
Before being elected to City Council, Dr. Fiedler served on the Venice Code Enforcement Advisory Board and the Venice Environmental Advisory Board. She is a member of the Venice Area Chamber of Commerce, Venice Rotary, Venice American Association of University Women, and Venice League of Women Voters. She served as liaison to the Environmental Advisory Board, the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, the ManaSota League of Cities, the SW Florida Regional Planning Council, the Planning Commission, and the Parks Advisory Board.
Dr. Fiedler and her husband, Bruce, moved to Venice in 2010. They have three sons and seven grandchildren.